Marketers and interactive video content – a match made in heaven?

People love consuming video content – it’s easy to digest and easy to access. It’s no surprise then that video marketing is the number one priority for marketers in 2018.

Image source: State of Inbound

But it’s important that marketers continue to innovate and seek out new ways to take advantage of emerging technologies, as they always have in the past. What role will interactive video content –  such as 360 videos, Augmented, and Virtual Reality –  play in the world of digital marketing? It is not yet clear. 360 photos and videos have been used in the travel sector for a while now, and sectors like retail and real-estate are getting on board as well. But the technology for VR and AR is still developing, making it harder to be so sure of where it will stand.

The cost of the equipment required for VR will prove to be a challenge for marketers. There just simply isn’t enough people willing to purchase a VR headset today, as it is only really used for games and the entertainment industry. However, there are some companies that have taken a stab at integrated interactive video into their digital marketing strategy.

Image source: Smart Insights

Have you ever made the mistake of buying a piece of furniture that you thought would look great, only to be disappointed? IKEA’s making sure that never happens again. The go-to furniture company has created a new app called ‘Place” for iOS users that allows you to preview furniture in your own home before making a purchase. This is a brilliant and innovative approach to digital marketing and should be an effective way of converting potential buyers into customers.

With the inevitable rise of interactive video content and its adoption in society, digital marketing is bound to change. Can you think of other creative ways marketers could use it to their advantage, or how specific companies might use it in the future?

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